Six hundred and fifty hours. Twenty-seven days. Nearly four weeks. Almost a month. What could you do in this time frame? At the Valentino house, 650 hours is how long it took designers Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pier Paolo Piccioli to create just one dress; a stunning sheath with lace collar, sheer sleeves and a caged bodice crocheted in gold thread and decorated with pearls. This is the work that goes in to a haute couture collection.
While many designers are looking to the future for inspiration, this dynamic duo coveted a French royalty ambience, influenced by Marie Antoinette and showcasing the collection in the 18th century Hôtel Salomon de Rothschild. Dresses had names such as “Polignac”, a noble French family, and “Nicolas Ledoux”, a French neoclassical architect who considered himself a “ utopian”. Even with out seeing the collection, one already has a sense of what is to come.
Delicately embroidered collars, ivory lace, and an entirely floral essence gave the collection an “intimate”, “shy”, “evanescent”, and “virginal” feel, describe the designers. Sheer fabrics with multiple layers of chiffon and organza paired with soft colors and intricately embellished pieces were introduced with an angelic allure. The dresses came in a variety of styles from A-line to maxi, from midi to evening gown. Suits cut from lustrous ivory gazar with delicate dotted cut-outs running down the hems and seams also followed. The incredible craftmanship cumulated in the final piece, a white crystal high collared gown laced with gold thread, silver and pearls.
Everything about the collection was perfectly romantic, elegant, and feminine. However, with the models sauntering the runway in flat shoes, one couldn’t help but to imagine little girls playing ‘princess’ in the garden. Nonetheless, this precious collection felt like a fresh breath of country air, taking the audience on a memorable journey through French history, and it was worth every bit of attention.
View the entire collection bellow…
Written By: Kimberly Dreisinger
Images courtesy of:
Love all of the high, delicate collars in this collection. Beautiful post.
Hi Sibyl,
Thanks for stopping by and your feedback. 🙂 Wasn’t the collection stunning? We hope to see you again soon.
Paris Girl Couture
Stunning collection and great post. Thanks for the interesting details Paris Girl!! You keep us “In the Know!”
Hi this is an amazing collection, i am looking to purchase a dress in the smaller photo section right at the bottom is anyone able to help me with this or direct me to a place where i can inquire about this piece, thank you!
Dear Abigail,
Thank you for stopping by. Which dress do you want to purchase? We are happy to direct you to the appropriate contact.